Since I have the Vertical Stabilizer down for rework, I thought this would be a good time to complete the service bulletin for the bottom rudder hinge bracket and rudder stops (SB00002).

The issue is fairly straightforward, there have been some aircraft that developed cracks on the bracket from gusts causing the rudder to hit the stops hard. From the SB –
Several aircraft have developed cracks in the
vertical flange of the VS-1010 Bottom Rudder
Hinge Bracket. The cracks propagate from the
attachment rivet holes of the hinge bracket
and are due to ground-gust-induced rudder
impact loads on the R-1007B Rudder Stop.
The fix is really easy, especially with all the experience I have drilling out rivets 😂🙄. There are 6 flush rivets to drill out, a few holes to enlarge, and some bolts to attach. The “hardest” part is deburring and cleaning up the stops, which is really just time consuming, not difficult. In total, it only took about 2 hours to complete with me really taking my time.