Since I have the Vertical Stabilizer down for rework, I thought this would be a good time to complete the service bulletin for the bottom rudder hinge bracket and rudder stops (SB00002). The issue is fairly straightforward, there have been
Read moreTaking a Step Back – Time for a Re-do

I’ve been slowly getting back in the shop lately and my first task was to fix the vertical stabilizer. Somewhere along the way, the leading edge was damaged in storage. It was a minor dent and really wasn’t anything to
Read moreBuilding a plane is….. Riveting

I started final riveting on the vertical stabilizer this past weekend. There is definitely a bit of a learning curve to bucking rivets and this was the first bit of work where I feel like I had trouble. Some of
Read moreIt’s Prime Time!

Remember that priming booth I mentioned a couple weeks ago? Yeah that ended up being more of a priming tarp thrown on the ground and some plastic taped to the wall. Not the best booth, but with this COVID-19 crap
Read morePut it together. Take it Apart
Just when I thought I had something that looked like an airplane part, it’s time to take it all apart. Once I got everything apart, the reason became pretty clear. The plans have you deburr parts all along the way
Read moreDrill, Debur, Dimple, Repeat

One of the other builders I follow often says, “Building the RV-10 is a lot of putting something together then taking it apart.” I’m quickly realizing what he means. But… I’ve made some progress since my last post. Once the
Read moreI made a Boo-Boo :-(
It didn’t take long, but I made my significant boo-boo. Page 6-10 step 6 has you machine countersink a bunch of #30 holes to accept 1/8″ flush rivets. Well I wasn’t paying close enough attention and made two mistakes in
Read moreVertical Stabilizer Rear Spar – And Helpers

I continued work on the Vertical Stabilizer rear spar the past couple days, match drilling the Rear Spar Caps and rear spar and getting a bunch of parts deburred. The plans have you drill every fourth hole and cleco as
Read moreFirst cuts and… excitement

So today is my birthday. It is also the day I asked my wife to marry me. And of course, in the interest of even further overloading the date – today is the day I started actually building my airplane.
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