I started final riveting on the vertical stabilizer this past weekend. There is definitely a bit of a learning curve to bucking rivets and this was the first bit of work where I feel like I had trouble. Some of the issues were my fault – not paying close attention and riveting the top rib of the skeleton upside down for example. Other issues were more just learning the technique and coordinating the hand holding the rivet gun with the hand holding the bucking bar. There is definitely a dance to be played with holding the bucking bar flat against the tail of the rivet while feathering the trigger of the rivet gun required to get a good rivet. By the end of the process I was starting to get the hang of it, but I also got really good a drilling out rivets. There are a few bumps/dings in the skin but nothing too bad.
The good news is, as of Sunday night Section 6 – Vertical stabilizer is complete! I have an actual airplane part! On to Section 7 – Rudder.